I am a high school student living in the DC area. After exploring resources to study for the SAT, I settled on using the College Board SAT Suite Question Bank due to its inclusion of real SAT questions, which had very similar counterparts on the real test.
However, the College Board question bank had a digital interface I found nearly unusable due issues like the fact that it revealed answers immediately and isn't sized well for mobile.
I designed SAT Question Bank to use these same questions with an interface more suitable for practice online. Beyond initially hiding answers and adding better mobile responsiveness, I integrated a timer and Desmos for math questions.
All of this was done using Solid Start with UnoCSS and DaisyUI. The backend is deployed using Cloudflare Workers, with Cloudflare D1, accessed through Drizzle ORM, used for querying questions. MathJax renders MathML on the client for SAT math questions.